My Little Beauty Queens!
Since the girls have birthdays August 15 (Katlyn) and October 14 (Taylor), we do pictures to cover both Mid-September. Taylor will turn 2 on Friday. Can't believe how the time has passed so quickly. She is quite the little entertainer, she gets that from Big Sister. They both LOVE a little attention (okay a LOT of attention)!
What's Katlyn doing these days? Glad you ask, she is busy with Church, homework, dance, and a few chores every now and then. She claims she is toooooo busy for chores but I disagree. Her 1st Six Weeks of school went very well-all A's! Next weekend, she dances for the 1st time with her Dance Team at the Catfish Festival. She is very excited. We are proud of her to say the least, she is a fantastic young lady and awesome Big Sister. Even with her busy schedule she always finds time to LOVE on Baby Sister which is so sweet.
Taylor? Well where to begin.... She is a ball on energy. She is our little sponge, very interested in learning new things. She talks like she is FIVE. Knows her ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me and He Reigns! She can tell you exactly what she wants, when she wants it. Today, we were walking in Home Depot and she said "Look Mommy, Mercan Flag" (American Flag is what she was trying to say). Me and Al just looked at each other like where did she learn that. Of course, Dad took the credit and said yeah I have told her that before.... She is also a contestant on Katlyn's home version of Toddlers & Tiaras. Katlyn has a whole routine that she has taught Taylor from kicking her legs, shaking her booty and blowing kisses to her make believe audience.
A new journey for our family started a couple of months ago. Al & I have started teaching 5th/6th Graders on Sundays at Church. What a wonderful experience it has been so far. We are truly BLESSED and THANKFUL to have an amazing Church to go to. GOD is GREAT!!!
Lots of Love from our family to yours!

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